Monday, 19 September 2011

Are Your Feet Wide? You're Still Beautiful!

The feet are parts of the human body that are used for standing and walking. They are the parts that help to carry the body mass or weight on a standing position. There are joints that help the feet to fitly frame together with the rest of the body. It is no longer news that the human body is a complex phenomenon with sophisticated detail and function, defined simply by a skeletal structure. The skeletal structure of the human body grows and changes only up to the point at which a human being reaches adulthood and remains essentially the same for rest of his or her life. It will surprise you a bit that the sculpture that molded the skeleton and gave it shape is forgotten today by the people. Without God, there would be no skeletons, and possibly no humans.
In creation, God made the feet unique. The human foot helps in many ways to define a structural beauty or otherwise of a person. People, especially women, with well-framed legs tend to have an edge over others. I have come to discover that everything God made is for a purpose and there are no mistakes in them. When I wanted to marry, I had the desire of a wife that pleases the Lord. Therefore, I did not look for here in the market place, the street corners, or elsewhere apart from the place where God is worshipped and honoured daily - the Church. My tribe, the Igbo (Nigeria), has one of the fairest and well-behaved ladies, but such things did not move me. So, I prayed and God answered me in the person of a northerner, one of the rare places an average Igbo person should marry from.
It was like a joke as I made straight to the marriage coordinating unit to declare my intention. The physical features were not actually considered, but as time went on, I discovered that my wife has such a beautiful feature that, left for me alone, I would not have discovered or appreciated. She always impresses me with her commitment to walk two to four times a week, for at least an hour, sharing the word of God. This happens all through the season: rainy, dry or cold. Her commitment to witnessing reminds me of a Bible verse that says: "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace" (Isaiah 52:7).
People have described and equated beauty with so many things. Some look at the features of the body, analyse each part to know where the secret of beauty lies. Others attribute beauty, especially in women, to the widening of the hip bones which occurs as part of the female pubertal process. They also tell us that estrogen (the predominant sex hormone in females) helps in the widening of the pelvis as a part of sexual differentiation. I was told by a friend one that females generally have wider hips which help them in childbirth. Also, during childbirth, the head of the fetus passes freely because the female pelvis is flatter, more rounded and proportionally larger. In other words, because the sacrum in females is shorter and wider, and also directed more toward the rear, their walking styles is highly affected. The effect is seen in the resulting hip sway; general standing of females with hips relaxed to one side. Males exhibit the opposite configuration.
But not everyone follows this stereotypical pattern of human body function. All that we spend years in study to figure out are just a creation of one Intelligent Being in one single day! God made us to know and serve Him. This means a committed walk with the Almighty God. To walk with God is to have a close communion with Him, as if literally walking by His side. It also means an unswerving obedience to God in a corrupt culture as ours. Those who look beyond body beauty towards the beauty of the soul are rewarded faithfully by God. Beautiful feet can die and rot, but death would not have the final word in God's creation which is truly dedicated to His service.
The wide feet that portray beauty are the feet that are committed to the service of God and humanity. When we commit ourselves to walk faithfully with God every day, we are actually headed in the right direction. Apart from this, every other wide feet, produce disgusting steps!
Vitus Ejiogu is a writer and publisher with the Fire-Brand Int"l Ministries, a media ministry that is based in Nigeria.
He is the editor of FOUNDATION SATELLITE magazine also published by the ministry. He pastors a Church in Bauchi and is married with two children.


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