Monday, 19 September 2011

Women Plus Sizes - Clothes in Designer Size Fashions

The word "plus size" is a familiar term, but can be somewhat discriminating, and even downright insulting to some women designers. But many fashion experts are changing from using the term plus size, to using a less obvious term, "designer size".
So, now all of a sudden, large women enjoy a fashion they can call their own in the "designer size" market. The stigma of plus sizes as being just big clothing for women is going away slowly. But with every adjustment, or change, there is usually good news and bad news.
The bad news then is that it is discouraging since it means two things. First, what was once plus size is now just fashion size, or designer size. This means society is more accepting of the weight problem. It requires more of the plus sized clothing women have to wear. Society is to blame for expecting that being large is more the norm, and this is true in fashion, more than ever before. Secondly, it could be signaling a trend that large size clothing is more in demand. As we all know, America is leading the way in obesity and is well on the way to epidemic proportions.
The good news is for the fashion designers. Suddenly, there is this whole new market. Due to the rising demand for the fashion size, or the designer size for large size clothing, sales are at an all time high for what used to be called "the plus sizes clothing". So what can we expect from this news? Is there any encouraging news for the large designer size consumers?
There are several encouraging facts emerging with regard to these plus sizes clothing industry standards. One of the changes is in the competition. There are amazing discounts in the women sizes making plus sizes women clothes very affordable. Also, there are dozens of new designers coming on the scene with fabulous fashions for women. Soon, we will see runway models putting on some inches to show off these new styles. This opens up jobs for young women who are interested in modeling. But it also creates a wave of activity behind the scenes.
There is no shortage in good taste among all shapes of women. So, to set them apart is simply humiliating and unfair. So, in a sense, the change in attitude can be good for the self esteem of women in general. With that said, there are huge name brand suppliers of fine clothing online for women that shop for sizes 14 and above. Ok, so it is a fact that there are sizes 8, 10, 12, and so on. Nothing wrong with that.
Another encouraging fact is that young junior plus sized girls are considering the health implications of gaining weight at a young age. So, there seems to be an emphasis on health and fitness among high school and college groups. This is good because they want to balance exercise and a good diet with the emotional demands. This makes for a healthier lifestyle in general. In the long-run, they will be healthier women and can avoid the medical complications that come with gaining weight in general.


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