The shape of a human body is a complex phenomenon with sophisticated detail and function. The skeletal structure is what defines the general shape or figure of a person. Muscles and fat in someone's body also help to give a particular shape to that individual. Skeletal structure grows and changes only up to the point at which a human reaches adulthood and remains essentially the same for rest of his or her life. At this point, a defined structure or body shape is associated with the person carrying it.
The differentiation of the male and female body, for the purposes of reproduction, occurs at puberty. In adult humans, muscle mass may change due to exercise, and fat distribution may change due to hormone fluctuations. In other words, inherited genes play a large part in the development of body shape. Discovering and maintaining one's body shape becomes very important because body shape has effects on body posture and gait. It also has a major role in physical attraction.
Opinions vary on the general perception of what an ideal body shape should be like. Most people are bold enough to reflect some of these ideals in their art works and literatures which are produced for the general public, as well as projecting such in popular media such as films and magazines. Nevertheless, the ideal or preferred human body size and shape has varied over time and continues to vary among cultures; but a preference for a small waist, especially for women, has remained fairly constant throughout history. A low waist-hip ratio has often been seen as a sign of good health and reproductive potential.
To fit into the world's standard of an ideal body shape; various strategies are sometimes employed to temporarily or permanently alter the shape of a body. The most common include dieting and exercise. Clothing also has helped in changing the appearance of the body. Clothing however, has in today's society, been the highest in the list of body shape enhancement strategies. This trend is widely known as fashion. Fashion is for the enhancement of the shape of the body, while tight jeans, bikinis, bras, belts, corsets, and other garments are used to support or constrict areas of the body to achieve different proportions. High heeled shoes, generally used by females, also alter body proportions.
The fuss about good shape is just to get noticed. In the eyes of the world today, "standing out" means the amount of money you can spend on body enhancement. This has led majority of people to seek for media spotlight as an easy way of achieving stardom. The Bible gave us a story of a Jewish captive who did not do any of these things people do today, yet he achieved "stardom". He got his in a better way. I mean, he did not go for body enhancement, beauty building exercises, etc., before he got there. His name was given as Daniel.
Daniel and his other friends distinguished themselves as intelligent and trustworthy gentlemen through what can be regarded today as "uncommon routes to greatness". It all began when the king had a dream which none of his "wise men" could interpret. The God-fearing Daniel went into prayers with his friends and God revealed the content of the dream with its interpretation to him. This made the king to promote him to the status of a chief adviser. Even when food was forced on them as a strategy to keep shape, they threw up a challenge to prove that none of the things people see today as ways of body enhancement could as a matter of fact, lead to destruction (Daniel 1:1-21).
Daniel became the star that turned so many people to righteousness. His influence in Babylon made people aware of the messianic prophecies about a Saviour who would be born in Bethlehem. In order to find your body shape and own it, duty demands that you discover the stuff with which God shaped you. When you discover the talent that God put into you and use it, you surely be balanced in shape. You are well balanced in shape the moment you make use of your light for others to see through. The light of your life is what you use to attract people to Jesus.
More so, our bodies and minds are to be dedicated to God and prepared for His service. The goal is not spiritual muscle-flexing but godliness - a life that is pleasing to the Lord. Vigorous study of God's word (the Bible), focused prayer, and bodily discipline are all part of the process. Our race in life is determined by how we train ourselves. Neglecting our spiritual balance affects our physical balances greatly. The consequences of this neglect are what make you look shapeless, and unattractive. To find your body shape and own it, you must look unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith!
Vitus Ejiogu is a writer and publisher with the Fire-Brand Int"l Ministries, a media ministry that is based in Nigeria.
He is the editor of FOUNDATION SATELLITE magazine also published by the ministry. He pastors a Church in Bauchi and is married with two children.
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